The Water

Over the past eight years I have been making tiny beautiful films about water.     

They have been taken all around the world, from Myanmar to Kerala, from Paris to Singapore, from Florida to Japan – but most of them from right here in London.

They are somehow universal, as I watch people watch them and the reaction is completely consistent. They provide a sort of emotional gear shift, A 15 second massage for the soul In their beauty, peace and simplicity.


The films connect us to a deep deep calm.  They open the heart, clear the mind and draw deep breath.  (It is this little change of heart that I am most interested in.)


Somehow they are greater than the sum of their parts. They definitely contain beauty they definitely contain nature, the sound is also part of the equation but they also seem to contain an alchemists swirl of experience, outlook and energy.  A kind of magical energy of the location and feeling from which they were captured.